Sunday, September 20, 2015

♡Demi Lovato♡

Did you ever think in how sad  a person could be? Maybe that person that always sit next to you in class or maybe that one kid that always makes fun of you?
We don't know how hard life could be for other people, because, no matter what... always other person will have a hardest life than you, for example Demi Lovato.
Demi stars her career in "Barney.
She was bullied her hold life, "I didn't know why they was so rude to me, they just told me because I'm fat" she said at an interview, Demi star cutting herself when she was 11 years old, she star with eating disorders when she was like 13.
A picture will change everything in her life, a picture that shows her cuts, she was really scare because not even her parents knew about it.
Their family and friends helped her, Demi was bipolar and she didn't knew about it,  when she was 7 she star having suicide ideas.
Now Demi is a  23 years old women and she is stronger than ever.


  1. its true we can never tell whos hurting. sometimeswe think that we have it the hardest. but its not true there are people out there who hurt more than yourself. we sometimes don't see that but we must open our eyes and see beyond what we can see.

  2. Thanks for posting. I'm enjoying watching everyone's personalities start to bring their blogs to life.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I agree with you and the situation.

  5. I agree with you and the situation.

  6. Nice layout and background Nicole I never knew you were not so shy and could come out of your comfort zone and really oppionate on real world problems not just only people around us but also celeberties and I think Demi Lovato is really pretty but everyone goes through phases and stages anyways good job. -Marliyah

  7. demi lavoto looks tots adorbs on that selfie

  8. this is tru u never know what people sitting by u go through in every day life so i commend what your writing good job keep uo the good work i look foward to looking at your next post.

  9. I love Demi Lovato and she is queen♥
